
This class is also aliased as Elastics::Conf.

You can configure the elastics gems by changing their configuration settings. You can set them directly in any part of your code or the console like:

Elastics::Configuration.logger.debug_result = true

or setting them inside a Elastics::Configuration.configure block:

Elastics::Configuration.configure do |conf|
  conf.http_client.base_uri = 'http://localhost:9222'
  conf.http_client.options  = {:timeout => 10}
  conf.variables[:index]    = 'my_index'

If you use the rails integration, you usually do so in an initializer, usually generated by the elastics:setup generator (see elastics-rails).



An array of extender modules. Each gem pushes its default:

# elastics gem
[ Elastics::Result::Document,
  Elastics::Result::Bulk ]

# elastics-models gem
[ Elastics::Result::DocumentLoader,
  Elastics::Result::ActiveModel ]

# elastics-scopes gem
[ Elastics::Result::Scope ]

You usually push your own extenders to the result_extenders array (see Result Extenders)


Boolean. If true prints logs and progress bars in colored ANSI. Default true (when supported).


The Elastics logger. Default


Boolean. If true it prints the merged variables. Default true unless in Rails Console.


Boolean. If true it prints the request. Default true.


Boolean. If true it prints also the result. Default true unless in Rails Console.


Boolean. If true it uses curl-like logging info, suitable to be copied and pasted in a terminal. Default false (YAML logging).


This is a specific configuration for the elastics-rails gem.

Boolean. If true it forwards the messages to the Rails.logger. Defaut true unless in Rails Console.


This is a specific configuration for the elastics-rails gem.

Boolean. Option added by elastics-rails. If true prints the log to STDOUT. Default false unless in Rails Console.


This is a specific configuration for the elastics-models gem.

An array of model classes (or model class names) that your app will index. This is the only required configuration setting if you use the Elastics::ModelIndexer integration, since it is used to generate the default mappings and the default models for the import task.


This is a specific configuration for the elastics-models gem.

An array of ActiveModel classes (or model class names) that your app defines. This is the only required configuration setting if you use the Elastics::ActiveModel integration, since it is used to generate the default mappings.


The path where Elastics searches for source files. Default './elastics' or "#{Rails.root}/app/elastics" in Rails.


A YAML file usually containing the custom index mapping. Default './config/elastics.yml' or "#{Rails.root}/config/elastics.yml" in Rails.


The HTTP client instance. Default an object of class Elastics::HttpClients::Patron or Elastics::HttpClients::RestClient, depending on which gem you have installed (patron or rest-client). If you create a custom client class you must set it.

Temporary Note: The patron gem currently available on rubygem (v0.4.18) is missing the support for sending data with delete queries. As the result it fails with the delete_by_query elasticsearch API, when the query is the request body and not the param. If you want full support until a new version will be pushed to rubygems, you should use gem 'patron', :git => '' or switch to the rest-client gem.


The base uri of the elasticsearch server used for all the requests. Default 'http://localhost:9200'.


Hash of options passed to the http_client#new method. Default {}.


This variable is experimental and may be removed in a next vesion.

A proc that should return whether or not to raise an error, depending on the response. It is used for example to decide whether a 404 response code should raise an error or should just be ignored. Default proc{|respose| response.status >= 400}


The Elastics::Variable object (Hash subclass) of interpolation variables used as the lowest default level. Default: :index      => nil,
                        :type       => nil,
                        :params     => {},
                        :no_pruning => []

The elastics-rails gem sets the default variables[:index] as the app_id (see below).

(see Variables)


An unique string used to identify your app. Default: nil or the uderscored rails application name, plus the environment in rails. It must be set if you use any reindex method. Used by the elastics-reindex feature (see Live Reindex).


Boolean. Option added by elastics-admin. If true it optimizes the new indices. Default true.


The redis client object. Default: $redis || Redis.current. Used by the live-reindex feature (see Live Reindex).


A proc that should ensure to stop/suspend all the actions that would produce any change in the indices being live-reindexed. Used by the live-reindex feature and overridden by the on_stop_indexing block (see onstopindexing).